CCAA Graduate Member
CCAA No. 301288
BCom MMin (Pastoral Counselling) Grad Dip Div Grad Dip Th Grad Cert Prof Supervision

I have been working in the areas of trauma counselling and professional supervision since 2007. This commenced as Prison Chaplain working as part of Therapeutic Services with the Tasmanian Prison Services. I had a dual role providing spiritual support as well as trauma counselling within the prison environment. This was working with complex needs and often involved trauma responses associated with childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, addictions and personality disorders. I also provided support to clients within the State Forensic Health facility in Hobart (Wilfred Lopez Centre) dealing with complex psychological and psychiatric conditions.
My qualifications include a BCom, Master of Ministry (Pastoral Counselling & Chaplaincy), Grad Dip Div, Grad Dip Theology and Grad Cert in Supervision. I am currently undertaking DMin research through Ridley College, into the experiences of church leaders removed from ministry.
As a former Police Crime Scene Examiner, I have extensive knowledge and experience of what it is like working within challenging and traumatic environments. In more recent times I have utilised this knowledge and skills to support survivors of trauma and sexual abuse through counselling and supervision services.
In 2022, seeing a need to support Christian workers and believers in a more holistic way, I established Christian Life Support ( Instances of violence, stress, burnout and post traumatic stress responses are becoming more prevalent in our society. This support includes a primary focus on Supervision and Counselling, along with Advocacy, Mediation and Coaching. It seeks intervention and strengthening strategies prior to the need for supported recovery. The mantra I have adopted for this work is “Life is more than survival .. its about flourishing!”