CCAA Clinical Member
CCAA No. 600757
Cert IV TAA, Cert IV CC& FT, Dip A C Ed, Dip CC & FT, B. Ed, M. For Sx, Ph. D (International Health- women).

I have been a High School Teacher, worked in Church Youth Ministry, Welfare and Pastoral ministry. My counselling career started in crisis counselling for Incest Survivor's Association [Phoenix Association WA] in Perth for 8 years. I served as senior lecturer in Counselling at Tabor College Perth for 10 years, where I taught Family Systems Theories, Counselling Skills, Grief & Loss; Trauma, Ethics, Couples counselling, Working with Groups and Communities and incorporated cultural competence and working with differing faiths and sexualities into the coursework.
I completed a Clinical Supervisor Post-graduate qualification with Tabor in 2014. I was the Post-Graduate Clinical Supervisor for students in agency placement at Tabor College Perth 2016-2018. I finished work with Tabor in 2018. I completed my Doctorate in International Health/Women's Sexual Health 2020.
I have had a small private counselling and psycho-education practice called 'Hot Potatoes Consultancy' since 2002 in Perth, with the bulk of my clients having a history of trauma, poor identity formation, relationship and/or sexual and intimacy difficulties. I help people in recovery from spiritual abuse.
I currently consult and advise churches about sex-offenders, gender identity, diverse sexualities, sexual identity issues and sexual problems within relationships.
I also offer Clinical Supervision and chaplaincy supervision services.