Pornography: Beyond Accountability Software

Pornography: Beyond Accountability Software

From $30.00

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Monica Cook MScMed(SRH) GDipScCommun PHb(SC) (Hons)
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
This is an Online event – 2 hours of professional development (category A)

*This event will not be recorded.


Helping clients to overcome pornography is so often addressed at the level of porn blocking software, accountability partners and abstinence. While these methods do have their place in managing unwanted behaviour – it is crucial to go beyond that to understanding more about the behaviour itself and what may be driving it at a deeper level. A close examination of family of origin can often reveal underlying drivers of porn use. As clients begin to understand their sexual story in a way that frees them from shame and condemnation they are able to address their behaviour in a way that feels sustainable in the long term and more aligned with their values. Furthermore, this process of unpacking developmental trauma can lead people to understanding how God meets them in their unmet needs – truly quenching their thirst and bringing about real transformation. Come along and find out more about as we discuss these topics through the lens of a case-study. There will also be time for personal reflection and questions at the end.


$10 Early Bird Discount finishes on 4 September 2024.


Note: The event time zone is 7.30pm NSW Time. To convert to your time zone, click here.



Pornography: Beyond Accountability Software


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