Networking Events

Victorian CCAA members meet 3 times a year for 1 hour online for the purpose of connection, networking and updates. During the meeting, two members share about their counselling practice and there are break out rooms for 3-4 mins to allow for members to meet and connect. There is a also a review of a recent CCAA PD event attended by a member and a general  Q & A time.

2025 meetings (Melbourne time):

  • 8th May 10am
  • 7th August 5:30pm
  • 20th November 10am

For more information, contact Candy Daniels , on behalf of the Victorian Member care committee.

We meet monthly for the purpose of connection, networking and collecting members’ needs that can be communicated to the CCAA National Council.

Typical agenda items: introductions, determine the theme of the hour (e.g. reflections on recent PD events, “show n’ tell” – resources, materials, and instruments, safety considerations for private practitioners, ethical considerations we face (e.g. AI recordings discussed in Oct), what members need in support from National Council, other items as members add to the discussions. Break out rooms can be made as needed. 

NSW Planning Group (In-Person)

Our NSW planning committee meets every 2 months to plan PD and other events for members. If  you would like to get involved with planning and running events for learning and connection, come along and join us for dinner and planning and also meet others CCAA counsellors. Contact Vicky Hamey

Four members of CCAA Queensland recently met together as an inaugural planning meeting for how we connect members more effectively in this geographically vast state. Isolation seemed to be a common theme in the discussion and as a result, the term ‘belonging’ was coined in order to give direction to the group as we move ahead. Watch this space for more news from Queensland. Contact Julie Nixon if you are interested to join in!

No current networking dates

No current networking dates

No current networking dates

Other States are welcome to join in on any of the networking events. Email the relevant organiser.

Please check this page regularly for upcoming events and conferences.

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