Category B (2 hours) – Purchase this recording of the webinar event facilitated by Robyn Lingard.
More than ever, illness – whether it is acute or chronic – is part of our lives as mental health professionals and the lives of our clients who seek our services. For example, approx 50% of Australians live with chronic illness of whom 20% experience severe symptoms. In addition, our lives are also being continually bombarded with reminders of COVID-19. While a small proportion of the population who contract COVID-19 experience severe symptoms resulting in hospitalisation and even death, there is mounting evidence that some sufferers who have had relatively mild symptoms at home may also have a prolonged illness called post viral COVID-19 syndrome.
As our world experiences a global pandemic, more than ever counsellors and psychotherapists need to be skilled in providing therapy to manage the experience of illness and/or the fear of becoming unwell. How do we engender hope and resilience during these times?
Drawing upon her research, clinical experience, and her own lived experience, Robyn will present essential current information about this relevant topic. This live presentation will provide a toolbox of practical therapeutic strategies to assist counsellors working with individual sufferers and their partners to navigate the impact of chronic illness and medical issues.
In this presentation, theological understandings of illness will be explored. Strategies to assist the individual sufferer will address grief, physical pain, fear of death, and meaning and purpose-finding. Neuroscience based techniques will be provided to cultivate a resilient brain amid psychological and physical distress.
Strategies for building relationships will be explored including partner, family, and church relationships. Techniques for seeking assistance from medical professionals & mental health professionals will also be discussed.
Handouts from this event including PDF of the PowerPoint can be accessed from here.