Narrative Therapy for Anxiety: A Clinical Approach

Narrative Therapy for Anxiety: A Clinical Approach

From $80.00

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Nicola Linton BSc (hons) Biopsychology, Master of Clinical Audiology, Master of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, CMCCAA
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
In-Person Location TBA - or - ONLINE via Zoom   View map
This is a Face to Face and Online event – 4 hours of professional development (category A)


Describing Narrative Therapy as being ‘about storytelling’ is like describing the act of driving as ‘sitting in a car.’ Without the relevant theoretical underpinnings and skills, it isn’t Narrative Therapy.


This participatory workshop has two aims:

  1. To elicit stories from people in very particular ways – so that this act of storytelling makes them stronger.
  2. To participate in Collective Narrative Practice – creating a community of solidary where ‘sufferers’ become mentors and contributors.

To achieve these aims, we will:

  • Introduce basic theoretical underpinnings of Narrative Therapy, and how they relate to Christianity. We will then do a quick exercise to make these underpinnings clearer, in the context of anxiety.
  • You will be invited to use a Narrative Therapy tool, in pairs or small groups. You will be invited to use basic Narrative Therapy skills and contribute from your own experiences with Anxiety (where you feel able and to the extent you are comfortable) to complete the tool.
  • You will be invited to conduct a Narrative Interview (with the help of a script) and practice a Narrative Reflection.
  • Finally, you will be invited to partake in Collective Narrative Practice – creating a Collective Document as Christians who also have experiences with Anxiety.

At the end of this workshop, it is hoped you will have a deeper grasp of how Narrative Therapy may inform your own practice, and what Psalm 16 has to offer those experiencing anxiety.


*This event will be recorded*


$10 Early Bird Discount finishes on 14 April 2025.


Note: The event time zone is 9.00am AWST. To convert to your time zone, click here.

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Narrative Therapy for Anxiety: A Clinical Approach


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