Recording – Presenter: Willem Boeree

When I was a young Christian, I used to attend a Friday evening young people’s Bible Study at the home of some lovely Christian people. One evening, we were advised that the home was not available due to one of the occupants being unwell. After the morning service on the Sunday following that date, I was told, in hushed tones which bespoke both disgust and stigma, that the reason we were not able to meet was due to one of the occupants struggling with depression.

After many years, such stigma and misunderstanding still exists and it’s important that we, as Counsellors/Psychotherapists, are not only well acquainted with the problem of depression, but that we can also undo some of the very real stigma, shame and guilt which is so often still attached to the problem of depression.
In this PD, then, we’ll consider such matters as the reality of depression, the root cause of depression and a variety of healing responses which we may use in our work with our clients thus enabling them to see their grey skies turn into blue skies once more.


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