Dr Jeff Riggenbach

Jeff Riggenbach, PhD is a best-selling and award winning author who has earned a reputation as an international expert in Cognitive approaches to treating personality disorders. After completing his PhD in Christian Counseling, Dr. Riggenbach trained at the Beck Institute of Cognitive Therapy and Research in Philadelphia to develop a schema-focused cognitive treatment approach to…

Noel Giblett

BA, BA Social Work, Accr. Mental Health & Clinical Social Worker

Noel Giblett is an Individual & Relationship Counsellor, Clinical Social Worker and Spiritual Director in private practice in Perth. He has been working in these fields for over thirty years (in private practice for ten years) principally with men and couples. He conducts seminars, workshops and retreats—and has published articles in several journals—on various aspects…

Dr Barry and Paula Davis

Barry Davis: CA, FCA, BTh; Paula Davis: B Ed (Adult Ed), Grad Dip Couns, M Couns, DEd. CCAA, PACFA (Reg.20069)

Barry and Paula Davis have been married for over four decades and have two adult children. Barry is a chartered accountant and holds a theology degree from the USA. He has been involved in pastoring and church planting. In recent years his ministry has centred on developing relational tools for men as they explore their…

Rob Salmon

Masters of Counselling, BA Christian Counselling, Prepare/Enrich Facilitator.

Rob Salmon’s counselling is person-centred approach with a desire to help people to move through their past into a better future. Rob works well with singles, couples & families with a deep understanding of men’s issues. Rob is an accredited Prepare/Enrich Counsellor. – working with pre-marriage and marriage/ relationships. Working with men’s issues have been…

Sarah Van Bentum

MCouns; B.Ed. Sec; MHFA Instructor; Clin. CCAA

Sarah Van Bentum is BaptistCare’s Counselling and Family Services Manager and operates a private counselling practice.

Kylie Maddox Pidgeon

BA (Psych, Ling.); BSS (Psych) Hon. GD (Psych); GD Bible & Mission

Kylie Maddox Pidgeon  is a registered psychologist who lectures at St Marks National Theological Centre and counsels in private practice.

Erin Martine Sessions

B.Anc.History, B.Chr.Studies, M. Creative Writing, PhD candidate.

Erin Martine Sessions is a Domestic and Family Violence spokesperson for Common Grace. Her research has explored the prevention of intimate partner violence within the church. Erin is an academic, poet, speaker and writer. She’s currently working on her PhD on Song of Songs and Violence, lectures at Excelsia College, and is a Domestic and…

Shane Clifton

Doc. Phil; B.Theo; B.Econ.

Shane Clifton is Honorary Associate at the Centre for Disability Research and Policy at the University of Sydney, after working for two decades as Professor of Theology and Ethics at Alphacrucis College.

Carl Collins

Assoc Dip Applied Social Science Dip Community Services - Welfare  Level III Investigative Services

Carl Collins is a former senior child protection investigator, team leader and departmental children’s court prosecutor with DHS Protective Services in Victoria. He was also the co-founding director of CACET Global (Child Abuse Consultancy Education and Training), providing training and consultancy to schools, colleges, churches, welfare agencies, government and non- government agencies as well as…

Rev Dr Graham Barker

BA, MA, MA, Psy.D CCAA (Clinical & Supervisor)

Dr. Graham Barker is a semi-retired Clinical Psychologist with additional qualifications in Education, Theology and Counselling. During his lifetime he has been a teacher, a pastor, a missionary, a clinician, and an academic. He was the founding president of CCAA(NSW) He completed his doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology at George Fox University in the USA…