Helen Meyer is a Clinical Counsellor, currently leading the team at Stairway Counselling in Melbourne. She is a trained primary and high school teacher, co-founder of Careforce Lifekeys and author of many of the 15 Careforce Lifekeys courses used around Australia and in 23 other countries. She has three Masters Degrees: Adult Education, Counselling, and…
Allan Meyer is an educator and international speaker to both secular and Christian audiences. He initially taught High School economics and legal studies before answering the call to full-time ministry. Throughout his 40 years of pastoral service Allan has focused particularly on coaching and encouraging men. His doctoral project created the Valiant Man course designed…
Irene Alexander is a spiritual director and lecturer. She was dean of Social Sciences at Christian Heritage College in Brisbane for ten years. She also teaches at the Australian Catholic University and Asian Theological Seminary in Manila, Philippines, and is a spiritual direction formator. She has written several books, the latest being Awakening Desire: Encountering…
Owen Robinson is a clinical social worker in private practice (providing counselling since 1999). Counselling is his second profession after previously working as a secondary teacher for two decades although he admits that counselling is the more rewarding of the two; as a counselling student last century he simply found himself enjoying study for the…
Keynote Closing Session Denis will pull together the conference on how we can as Christian and counsellors move forward into the ever changing world whilst remaining true. Conference Workshop 8: Incarnation and Promise: Worldview Implications in an Age of Secularism All personal and professional practice is founded on a worldview which infuses and informs all…
Heather is a professional counsellor and social worker currently based in the northern suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia. Heather commenced fulltime counselling practice in 2002 and enjoys working as a person centred therapist assisting people to find peace in the midst of life’s challenges. Heather understands the importance of providing a counselling environment which creates…
Dominie works as a counsellor in private practice attached to a multi-disciplinary team where the focus is managing pain, often comorbid with complex trauma. A clinical supervisor working with counsellors across a broad range of counselling contexts and organisations, Dominie has for 6 years convened a specialist Trauma Interest Group and presented workshops and lectures…
Dr Jackie Amos is a Child and Adolescent psychiatrist and Gestalt psychotherapist. She worked as a community CAMHS psychiatrist, for 17 years, where she supported many children and their families experiencing trauma. Jackie now works for Centacare, Adelaide, in the Children’s Services Unit. In her doctoral research Jackie developed two complementary and clinically informative models…